Win-Win Planet champions the actions of individuals as powerful and important. This is because on one level we are ALL individuals, and nobody operates in a vaccuum. What you do inevitably affects those around you, creating ripples of change.
HOWEVER, sometimes it is prohibitively difficult for us to make a “good choice” due to social, economic and political factors. Sometimes we’re greenwashed into believing our individual habits trump corporate and political responsibility. But many of these factors can only be effectively challenged when we act collectively.
So, we need to get political to get better options on the table, or to protect vulnerable ecosystems and people in imminent danger.
Linked below are petitions and letter campaigns addressing some of the most pressing threats to planetary health in Australia and New Zealand. As a dual Australian and NZ citizen; the site author personally endorses and has participated in every NZ and Australian campaign on this page.
PLEASE LET US KNOW of any major campaigns that address planetary health issues in your region. This includes climate change, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, pollution, human displacement, exploitation or indigenous rights. We will feature them here.
To Whom It Should Concern | Write A Letter to PM Morrison for Climate Change Action
Australia is the 3rd largest carbon emitter in the world. Join us in writing a letter to our Prime Minister demanding we take radical steps now to mitigate climate change.
We need urgent climate action to protect health
Will you email your MP to demand action to protect our health from the adverse effects of climate change?
Australian individuals, families and communities are at risk of health impacts from heatwaves, extreme weather, and changing patterns of disease associated with global warming.
But unlike many n…
Nature laws that work
The Government has run a once-in-a-decade review of Australia’s failed national environment laws. This is our chance to deal with Australia’s appalling extinction record by securing strong new national nature laws and an independent watchdog to enforce them.
Our Islands Our Home
Support the #TorresStrait8 as they take their case against the Australian Government to the United Nations for inaction on climate change.
Defending the Unburnt Six – WWF-Australia
Our unburnt Australian forests need your help. Sign the petition now.
Don’t Let Nature Go To Waste
Australia, it’s time to end single-use plastic!
We need a Global Ocean Treaty now!
Our oceans are facing some vast and urgent threats. Sign the petition to protect a third of the world’s oceans from destructive industries.
New Zealand
PETITION: Bring back general tree protection
All over Aotearoa, our big old trees are being cut down at an alarming rate. One third of Auckland’s urban trees have been destroyed since protection was removed in 2012. These big trees are home to countless birds and insects – and they provide a priceless community asset. They need to be protected.
Moratorium on Mining Permits for Conservation Land
Our conservation land is precious for us in Aotearoa. Yet despite the government policy of ‘no new mines’, conservation land has not been protected.
PETITION: Cut climate pollution from big dairy
Join us to call on PM Ardern and the NZ Government to cut emissions from our biggest climate polluter: industrial dairying.
No Mt Messenger Bypass – save Mangapēpeke Valley
This new road will destroy 44.4 hectares of indigenous forest and wetlands that are home to dozens of threatened native species such as the North Island Brown Kiwi, the Archey’s frog and the Long-tail Bat. An upgrade of the existing road makes far more sense.
PETITION: Protect our water and ban synthetic nitrogen fertiliser
We’re calling on the Government to step up and put a cap on synthetic nitrogen fertiliser for the health of our freshwater ecosystems. Join us!
PETITION: Ban single-use plastic bottles
Call on Minister Kiri Allan to ban unnecessary single-use plastic bottles in NZ, and to incentivise reusable and refillable alternatives.
Save the Oceans! 🌏 Sign the Petition Here Now
Join the global call to protect a third of the world’s oceans from destructive industries. Our oceans are facing vast and urgent threats.